Here you will find:
- Airedale Academy's Geography Curriculum Intent Statement
- Curriculum Implementation - Geography Specific
- Curriculum Impact Geography Specific
- Key Stage 3 (Year 7, 8 & 9) Assessment Overview
- Year 7 Geography Curriculum Overview
- Year 8 Geography Curriculum Overview
- Year 9 Geography Curriculum Overview
- Year 10 Geography Curriculum Overview
- Year 10 Geography Curriculum Overview - one off
- Year 11 Geography Curriculum Overview
Airedale Academy’s Geography
Curriculum Intent Statement
As a member of Northern Ambition Academies Trust, we ensure that our curriculum is ambitious, rich in skills and knowledge, develops independent learning, promotes diversity, curiosity and tolerance of other cultures alongside incorporating the Trust’s values of Ambition, Bravery and Respect. Our curriculum engages their learning, prepares them for future employment and learning. Most importantly teaches them about their world.
Airedale Academy’s Geography curriculum intent:
● Provides challenging learning opportunities for all students and celebrates the inclusion of students with special educational needs and disabilities through adapted resources.
● Fosters independence in learners through repetition of key concepts and use of scaffolding across topics.
● Provides opportunities to access out of lesson experiences such as films and school trips.
● To develop an understanding of physical and human environments and processes.
● Provides topics that are sequenced effectively, to enable students to build their knowledge and skills over time. All topics build upon students’ abilities in reading, writing and other important geographical skills such as data analysis and critical thinking.
● Provides engaging topics that meet the needs of our students and the expectations of the national curriculum.
● Develop an understanding of the diverse character of places and landscapes.
● Embeds knowledge and skills by promoting strategies, allowing pupils to develop and demonstrate a range of geographical skills, including cartographic, graphical, numerical and statistical.
● Including: allowing for and encouraging personal independence, modelling, recall and repetition.
● Uses recall GEOG RECALL, a type of Do It Now task to allow students to link theory between different topics, links from previous lessons, previous topics from the current year and previous years.
● Ensures that assessment is extremely clear but not restrictive in both key stages to allow learners to improve independently as well as through verbal feedback.
● Allow pupils to understand concepts and how they are used in relation to places, processes, environments and processes, the relationship between places, environments and processes.
● Allow pupils, the opportunity to apply their knowledge to interpret, analyse and evaluate geographical information and issues to make judgements and predict outcomes.
● Provides effective formative assessment opportunities to check that knowledge and skills are embedded and mastered, prior to exposing students to new content and skills.
● Promotes whole class feedback and DIRT time, in order to address individual and whole-class misconceptions.
● Creates a learning environment where pupils feel confident to make errors and learn how to move on from these.
● Explore and use materials such as GIS to enrich learning and allow for analysis and interpretation of place and data.
● Allow for participation in decision making opportunities.
● Develop a deep and enriched subject knowledge with schemes of work which will increase in complexity and are relevant to the learner.
● improves student’s spiritual, social, moral and cultural understanding.
● Our curriculum is underpinned by the use of varied and engaging strategies.
● Provide fieldwork opportunities both internally and externally, use opportunities to use both local case studies as well as those in a national and global context.
● We cover the requirements of the KS3 curriculum throughout years 7 to 9 and GCSE at years 10 and 11.
● We use appropriate marking and targeted feedback that informs planning and addresses misconceptions. Use timely intervention when required.
● We want students to be independent and offer our learners opportunities to gain important cultural awareness and appreciation. Where possible, establishing cross curricular links to further enhance learning.
● Use assessments with supportive feedback to build confidence and resilience.
● We continue to use as many opportunities as possible to promote and develop literacy and numeracy skills.
● We use live modelling, exemplar texts and engaging activities to demonstrate processes, standards and expectations.
● We expect students to identify errors in their written work and make efforts to improve these independently through reflection/DIRT time.
● Our main priority at Airedale Academy is to teach and perfect the skills implemented by the NC for Geography.
● We want every learner to leave our classroom with a wider understanding of a range of cultures, increased confidence and the ability to work with the others.
● The KS3 topics ensure that students have a foundation understanding of the topics needing to be covered by the GCSE.
● By the end of KS4, learners would have broadened their horizon, they would have enjoyed their learning and leave with a greater depth of knowledge and understanding.
● Pupils will have developed skills through a variety of interesting contexts to foster enjoyment.
● Pupils will be able to improve their social, spiritual, moral and cultural understanding of the world.
● We hope that with the perusal of the Ebacc qualification and the rise in cultural capital that more students will go on to study Geography at GCSE and beyond.