01977 664555

Our Achievements

Airedale Academy is committed to ensuring that all our students leave with the necessary grades and skills to go on to either post-16 education, an apprenticeship scheme or full time employment. We are fortunate at Airedale Academy to have a wealth of talented and dedicated staff who work tirelessly every year to help all our students achieve their full potential.

Airedale Academy was judged as ‘good’ by Ofsted in its most recent inspection which took place during the period 26th and 27th September 2017. According to Ofsted, “Pupils behave well. Strong relationships between staff and pupils are based on mutual trust and resepct, which results in pupils' positive attitude to learning. Pupils' behaviour around school, at change of lessons, breaktime, lunchtime and upon entering and leaving the site is exemplary”; “Pupils are safe and feel safe because of effective safeguarding arrangements and a comprehensive student well-being curriculum”; and “There is an atmosphere of high expectations and care which permeates through all areas of the school”. Ofsted also noted that “Students' attitudes in the sixth form are extremely positive and students are committed to their studies. Learning is calm and purposeful.”

Each year our goal at Airedale Academy is to strive to achieve the best examination results we can and to ensure that the needs of all our students are met.

Exam Results 

In 2022, the percentage of students achieveing good and strong passes in English and Maths increased by 5.5% and 10.6% respectively and is in line with 2021 results**

KS4 Performance Data 2022*

Progress 8: -0.2
Progress 8 Disadvantaged: -0.59
Progress 8 SEND: -0.83
Attainment 8: 40.79
4+EM: 54.5%

 % Pupils in education or employment post-16:  92.4%

KS4 Performance Data 2019 

Progress 8: -0.46
Attainment 8: 38.34
% Pupils achieving a 'strong pass' in English & Maths: 26%
% Pupils entered for EBacc: 39%
EBacc APS: 3.23
% Pupils in education or employment post-16:  87%

KS5 Performance Data 2019 

English Average Progress - Suppressed due to low numbers (Nat 0.13)
Maths Average Progress - Suppressed due to low numbers (Nat 0.08)
Average grade - Tech Level: Distinction
Retention rate: 85%
% Pupils staying in education or employment post-18: 60%

Please click the links below to view our DFE performance tables and latest Ofsted report.
DFE performance tables
Ofsted report

*CURRENT RESULTS FOR 2022 are not yet validated

** Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.