Mon 03 Feb 2020
As part of our continued collaboration with schools in our area, we are a member of a network looking specifically at how we inform our young people about Relationships, Health and Sex Education. As a result of this work, a brief survey has been developed to gain views from parents and carers of children in schools in Wakefield to understand if you feel you have enough information on the curriculum content or whether you would like more. It would also help us to understand if parents would be interested in taking part in training around how to support young people with these issues and support you in discussions you may have with your son / daughter.
The survey is available on this link RSHE Survey 2020 and we would be very grateful if you could find a few moments to complete this. The survey will be available until 24th February 2020.
As always, if you would like any further information about out teaching on this subject at Airedale Academy, please do not hesitate to contact us.