On what would have been Year 11 students last official day with us, please see the letter from your Progress Leader Mr Wharin.

Dear Year 11 student,

Firstly, let me start with congratulating you on how well you have accepted and adapted to the uncertain times we have endured over the past months; I am truly proud of you all. You have shown what mature individuals you have become, I take my hat off to each and every one of you. I would also like to thank all of your families for their ongoing support and dedication to your learning. I appreciate along with this support many of you still have unanswered questions which I hope the following information will provide answers to.


It is a tradition at Airedale Academy that we say farewell to all Year 11 students by having a celebratory prom, which I know so many of you have been looking forward to. Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic this year’s prom had to be cancelled. Due to the current Government guidance surrounding group gatherings and the restrictions imposed on the hotel venue, we have had no other option but to cancel this year’s celebration. I know that this will come as a huge disappointment as many of you had been working incredibly hard on meeting the expectations around attendance, behaviour and ATL in order to go to the prom; however we must put your safety first. Due to the nature of the event and current level of the pandemic, it also saddens me to say the prom will not be rescheduled for a later date as there is still so much uncertainty. We feel that any changes may have cost implications for you and your family, something we wholeheartedly want to avoid. We will be refunding all deposits made for the prom in due course. Over the coming weeks a member of the Academy finance team will contact you to process your refund. I want to reassure you that we are looking at an alternative way to celebrate your time at Airedale Academy which will include an opportunity to sign shirts/books and take any photographs that you may want to take. However we cannot jeopardise the safety of our students and therefore will only organise this when it is safe to do so. We will keep you updated of any planned events via our website and Facebook page so please keep checking.   

Leavers’ Merchandise

Over the past few months, when I have been on my permitted visit to the supermarket I have seen so many past students wearing their leavers’ hoodies! This has been my motivation to ensure this is merchandise that is available to you despite supplier challenges. I am very pleased to inform you that over the upcoming weeks Leavers’ Hoodies will be available to purchase, a piece of history you can keep forever.  You will be able to personalise your own hoodie with choices of colour and sizes. Each hoodie will be priced at £25 with orders to be placed online. The deadline for orders is the 15th of July. More updates will be made on our Facebook page.

Although I have been able to work closely with suppliers to ensure you have the ability to purchase a hoodie, the Yearbook we had planned to produce is no longer available for purchase. Should this change, we will update you on our Facebook page.

Credit Refunds

Some students may also have credit on their school fund accounts. If this value is over £1 a member of the finance team will be in contact to discuss refund options. If this amount is less than £1 then the credit will automatically transferred to the student’s younger sibling should this be applicable.


Today is officially your last day as an Airedale Academy student, although unusual still a day that you will remember for the rest of your lives. I wish that I had the opportunity to deliver this message to you in person, however this was not to be. I am sure you have had enough of seeing me over the past 4 years we have worked together! J There will never be enough words that convey the send-off that I wanted to give you and the fitting-farewell that you truly deserve. Year 11 is a significant milestone and I would like to acknowledge and congratulate you on the hard work and continued efforts you have shown throughout this important year. Believe me, I share the same frustrations and feelings that you have been deprived of the opportunity to showcase all your efforts and ability. However, I have always said that examinations and assessments are only a small part of the story and I’ve taken enormous pride in watching you develop skills and mature so that you become the young adults of tomorrow. I have great confidence that you are fully prepared for now what comes your way and hope that you can show the ambition to take the many great opportunities that present themselves wherever that should be.

You have been an exceptional year group in many ways. It has been a true privilege to be your Progress Leader for the last 4 years and I am honoured to have been even a small footnote in what your life will become. Undoubtedly throughout the 5 years of your journey there have been ups and downs, but I am truly grateful to have a group of students that have always got on board with everything that we have tried to do.

Again I am saddened that we cannot say our farewells in person at this moment in time. We are still committed to doing this but only when it is safe to do so. However, when given the chance to write to you in person then this is one job that I could not pass up on. I wish you every success for the future as it is so well deserved.

Best wishes and see you all soon,

Mr S. Wharin

Year 11 Progress Leader