Mon 06 Jul 2020
6th July 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope this letter finds you and your family well. As always, feedback from our parents and carers is important to us and plays a huge part in our school improvement plans. We would especially like to hear how you and your child are doing during this period of disruption. Our goal is to learn what we have done particularly well as a school and as a Trust during this challenging period, and what we could do better. We want to be able to support your child and your family as best we can.
To help us with this, we're working together with the Edurio survey platform and would really appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey, by following this link
Surveys are completely anonymous and confidential, though the responses will be aggregated for the purpose of analysis. The survey will be available until Sunday, July 19.
Your opinion and honesty are much appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch. We look forward to your feedback!
Yours faithfully,
Miss L Proctor