Most Able Students
As a fully inclusive Academy, we recognise the important contribution each and every student makes to the continued success of our school. We have a duty and responsibility to ensure that all students under our guidance fulfil their maximum potential and make the most of their natural talents and gifts.
We support all students in their journey of progress at Airedale Academy and we recognise that we have a specific group of students whose academic gifts and physical talents should be recognised, celebrated and supported. We are committed to helping this particular group of most able students thrive and develop to their full potential.
It is the responsibility of all staff at Airedale Academy to recognise, support, monitor, and encourage these young people. It is our collective responsibility to provide learning opportunities which challenge these students and stretch the boundaries of their gifts and talents. Everyone has a duty to inspire and guide them and ensure they are aware of all the opportunities and future pathways available to them in later life.