Here you will find:
- Airedale Academy's History Curriculum Intent Statement
- Curriculum Implementation - History Specific
- Curriculum Impact - History Specific
- Key Stage 3 (Year 7, 8 & 9) Assessment Overview
- Year 7 History Curriculum Overview
- Year 8 History Curriculum Overview
- Year 9 History Curriculum Overview
- Year 10 History Curriculum Overview
- Year 11 History Curriculum Overview
Airedale Academy's History
Curriculum Intent Statement
As a member of Northern Ambition Academies Trust, we ensure that our curriculum is ambitious, rich in skills and knowledge, develops independent learning, promotes diversity, curiosity and tolerance of other cultures alongside incorporating the Trust’s values of Ambition, Bravery and Respect.
Airedale Academy's History curriculum intent:
● provides challenging learning opportunities for all students and celebrates the inclusion of students with special educational needs and disabilities.
● fosters independence in learners through repetition of key concepts and use of scaffolding across topics.
● provides opportunities to access learning outside the classroom such as History visits.
● is taught by passionate historians who actively enjoy the study of History and Britain’s rich past.
● provides topics that are sequenced effectively, to enable students to build upon abilities in knowledge retention and application of independent opinion.
● provides engaging topics that meet the needs of our students and the expectations of the National Curriculum.
● addresses potential knowledge gaps in the basic History skills as soon as students enter KS3. Lessons are then planned to address potential areas of difficulty and to remove barriers to students’ achievement.
● embeds knowledge and skills by promoting strategies, including: retrieval practice of key knowledge, analysis of sources and interpretations, debate to encourage free, independent thought.
● uses recall ‘Do It Now’ tasks to allow students to build upon knowledge retention skills.
● ensures that assessment in both key stages allows learners to demonstrate their knowledge and skills effectively and then improve independently as part of the feedback process.
● ensures that assessment includes opportunities to apply knowledge to a variety of different questions as well as allowing for the analysis of sources and interpretations.
● provides effective formative assessment opportunities to check that knowledge and skills are embedded and mastered, prior to exposing students to new content and skills.
● promotes whole class feedback and DIRT time, in order to address individual and whole-class misconceptions.
● provides resources on the Google Classroom to promote independence and further study.
● creates a learning environment where pupils feel confident to make errors and learn how to move on from these.
● explores a variety of evidence and topics to ensure that students have access to study a variety of British and wider world issues.
● considers topics and issues that are developing in modern culture in order to foster a deeper understanding of the past.
● creates an awareness of the advantages of studying History and applying this to their environment.
● improves student’s spiritual, social, moral and cultural understanding.
● Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum guidelines and offers students the opportunity to develop in key areas such as knowledge and understanding; cause and consequence; change and continuity; and analysis of sources and interpretations.
● Students will study a range of local, national and international societies and cultures.
● Lessons will include key substantive concepts such as power, monarchy, government, religion, trade and influence linked over time and across different studies.
● Students will be exposed to tier three History vocabulary. This exposure should allow for greater understanding of historical evidence.
● The use of historical evidence is wider ranging and allows students opportunities to critically analyse both sources and interpretations to develop their ability to make judgements about key events in time.
● Students are given opportunities to consider different world perspectives and use their skills of both empathy and objectivity when approaching different areas of study.
● To allow students to develop knowledge of how Britain today was shaped by past events and put modern issues into context.
● By making clear use of the substantive concepts, students will be allowed the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of ideas such as government, economy and monarchy.
● To create an awareness of how British history fits in with wider-world history and how events can have far-reaching consequences.
● To create a chronological understanding of History that can be applied when moving on to Key Stage 4 studies.
● To learn effective techniques in using key knowledge to create effective responses to questions.
● To have empathy and understanding for other cultures and societies both past and present.
● To be able to express themselves freely in written work and verbal discussions by using retained knowledge.
● To have confidence when expressing opinions and not be afraid to take chances and make mistakes and learn from them.
● To have developed effective methods of independent learning by the end of Key Stage 4 to be able to apply these in future learning opportunities outside the Academy.