01977 664555

Child Development

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Airedale Academy’s Child Development

Curriculum Intent Statement

As a member of Northern Ambition Academies Trust, we ensure that our curriculum is ambitious, enriched, broad and engaging and that it incorporates the Trust’s values of Ambition, Bravery and Respect.

The aim of the PE, Health and Wellbeing department is to ensure students leave Airedale Academy with the appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding of the importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle for not only themselves, but that of others. The department will offer a wide range of activities to develop their skills and improve or maintain their physical, emotional and social health.

Airedale Academy’s Child Development curriculum intent:

●       The Chid Development qualification is knowledge rich and will give the students a thorough understanding of the needs and development of children from birth to the age of 5 years.

●       It will support the students to understand the developmental norms of children from birth to five years, the stages and benefits of play and the development of a child from conception to the age of 5

●       Our teaching and learning will also enable the students to gain a real insight into all of the challenges, excitement, considerations and responsibility surrounding children’s development along with giving them information on a number of agencies and people involved in caring for the development of a person throughout their childhood.

●       This course aims to challenge students to investigate the equipment needed for babies, toddlers and preschool children up to five. Along with the nutritional needs of children from birth to five and reasons why this nutrition is so important.

●       The Child Development course encourages multiple approaches to learning, such as practical opportunities and real-life scenarios, which will support students to develop their applied knowledge and practical skills.

●       They will use cross-curricular literacy skills to access text and develop a good understanding of written English within Health and Social Care. The faculty uses strategies to ensure that learning is embedded through retrieval activities such as Do It Now tasks, frequent links to prior learning and application of subject knowledge which builds in layers showing their progress.

●       Is sequenced so that lessons build upon their knowledge and core skills over time

●       Uses a range of assessment opportunities to check understanding and that skills are embedded and mastered including DIRT opportunities to address individual and whole-class misconceptions

●       Exposes students to an enriched Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary and provides opportunities to embed and apply new vocabulary through the Vocabulary Vault in a sequence of lessons. Encourages the use of Health and Social Care vocabulary in every lesson

●       This course will help learners to develop key transferable skills and knowledge such as self-evaluation and research skills.


The teachers teaching the Child Development Curriculum will have expert knowledge of the subject area and of the OCR Cambridge National Qualification. Assessments will be implemented throughout the theory based aspect of the course to check students’ understanding and inform teaching with pupils given time to embed knowledge though effectively planning for frequent retrieval practices.  Teachers within the subject will address misconceptions and gaps quickly when they arise. Students’ oracy skills are developed by their use of academic language in discussion and debate. Teachers will model work well, allowing students to recognise the features of the very best work. Knowledge organisers and PLCs will be used throughout the course in order to deepen understanding and improve student outcomes.  Homework drives deep-learning: Revision, Re-call, Research and Reading. Students’ will take pride in their written work; it will be presented well and demonstrate progress over time.


The child development curriculum will ensure all students are fully engaged in their lessons and play an active role in their learning. The coursework based aspect of the course will contribute to the students developing very strong independent learning skills. The course aims to develop critical and analytical thinking skills allowing learners to be able to make decisions based on their opinion they have formed. The curriculum will encourage enthusiasm for the discipline and subsequently prepare students for careers in related fields in Child Care, Health and Social Care, Psychology, Sociology and Biology.