01977 664555

Business and Enterprise

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Airedale Academy's Business & Enterprise 

Curriculum Intent Statement

As a member of Northern Ambition Academies Trust, we ensure that our curriculum is ambitious, enriched, broad and engaging and that it incorporates the Trust’s values of Ambition, Bravery and Respect.

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”
John D. Rockefeller

Airedale Academy’s Business and Enterprise curriculum intent:

·        allows students to develop their knowledge and understanding of the local economy and businesses that exist in the dynamic world around them;

·        provides a challenging learning environment that encourages all pupils to think like entrepreneurs;

·        inspire students to understand the importance of enterprise and the nature of the business world;

·        students will leave the classroom enriched with a broad and balanced perspective of business as well as an inspiration for success and a passion to work hard within the community;

·        provides students with the ability to think commercially and creatively to demonstrate business acumen;

·        provides opportunities for students to observe the impact of business in the real world through exploring a range of diverse case studies on local to global businesses;

·        provide students with a wide view of how businesses operate in a multicultural society which will open their views to exploring nature of businesses and their impact on the local area;

·        provide students with the knowledge and skills to be able to go onto further study (higher education) and ultimately become business experts and leaders;

·        enable students to feel fully prepared for the competitive world of employment by enhancing employability skills such as public speaking, interview skills and interpersonal skills.



Airedale Academy’s Business and Enterprise curriculum will implement their intent by:

·        having teachers with passion and enthusiasm for the subject they teach. All topics whether it be finance, marketing, HR, logistics or production will be taught with expert knowledge and dedication;

·        ensuring that our content in lessons develops skills and inquisitive learners in all year groups where real-life business examples are used to bring learning to life centered upon the business environment and the role of enterprise through a global perspective;

·        having work that will be sufficiently challenging, meeting the needs of all individuals and providing a balance between teacher-directed and independent work. Students are inspired to be increasingly responsible for their learning;

·        allowing students to engage with real businesses by having inspirational talks from leaders and visits to businesses such as Alton Towers to further develop their curiosity and knowledge of the real business world around them;

·        creating drive and curiosity to know what is happening in the local economy through research and development during projects and assignments to help the local community to grow;

·        having staff that actively take part in CPD to ensure that their business knowledge along with teaching pedagogy is up to date and lessons are as engaging as possible with teacher passion and creativity;

·        having staff use the language of Business and Enterprise whenever and wherever possible to build up students’ vocabulary in the subject.



Airedale Academy’s Business and Enterprise curriculum will have the following impact on learners:

·        students that learn necessary skills for cross curricular study and life beyond school, who are successful academically and practically for whatever career path they wish to pursue enabling them to successfully follow their chosen career;

·        students that will thrive in an everchanging dynamic business world as they will have the skills to overcome the challenges they face by using bravery, ambition and resilience;

·        students will have developed an analytical, rigorous and critical approach to the decision-making process that captures the skill set which can be used in the work place or university;

·        results that will increase/improve to give learners better life chances especially in the business world, developing students understanding of business employment opportunities;

·        students that are highly motivated and determined to do well in Business;

·        students that are naturally inquisitive about the business world and local economy around them;

·        students that have preparation for adult life in terms of knowing the world of work, business global commerce;

·        students that possess an array of transferable skills from enterprise and employability skills to practical skills;

·        students that have an awareness of skills that may be important in future careers;

·        students that have proficient business literacy and numeracy levels which would allow them to thrive in the working world of business.