01977 664555

Contact Us

Airedale Academy
Crewe Road, Airedale, Castleford WF10 3JU

Tel: 01977 664555
email: aainfo@northernambition.org.uk  

Enquiries from parents or members of the public will be dealt with by a member of the office team,  who will direct it to the appropriate person within school depending on the nature of your enquiry.

In order to direct your email to the appropriate person, we would be grateful if you could include the following information:

Your name

The name of your child and the year they are in

The name of the person you are wanting to contact, if known

Details about your enquiry

At Airedale Academy we value and welcome your feedback. To leave feedback, please contact us at aainfo@northernaambition.org.uk 

We would hope that our students and parents would never feel the need to raise a complaint, but in the event that you do, please follow the process outlined in our complaints policy here. We will always work with our students, parents and carers to resolve any issues there may be. If the complaint is in relation to SEN, please contact our SENDCO, Mrs Lowe.

Chair of Academy Council: Mr A Crompton

DSL: Mrs C Eastwood

SENCo: Mrs P Lowe

Airedale Academy is operated by Northern Ambition Academies Trust. The Trust can be contacted at its registered offices:

Northern Ambition Academies Trust
Airedale Academy, Crewe Road, Castleford WF10 3JU

Tel: 01977 664555
website: www.northernambition.org.uk

Chair of Trustees: Mr R Hall

Paper copies of website content are provided free of charge to parents of pupils at the school - please contact us to arrange this.